

hiking on a mountain
i saw a tibetan monk
burning a dark maroon robe
as others hauled
supplies for a funeral
an ominous sign
i thought
and sat near the edge
looking at the flags
whirling in the cold air
framing the mighty Beas
in the distance
as it has flown

i came down
and marveled
at the snow clad peaks
from the backyard
of my house
how permanent these mountains
they have stood for so long
with countless human experiences
buried deep inside them
they’ll continue to stand
as you and i and everyone else
are long gone
and scattered all over

the next morning
everyone standing
around your ashes
ground scalding hot
from the fire
which engulfed you
and all of us
they pour buckets of water
to cool it down
for us to comb through it
to scavenge little pieces
of your bones
only the savagest
could come up
with a ritual like that

i hope to see you
in my dream
twenty years later
napping to a sunset
on a beach

i’d get to see your warm smile
you’d tell me about
the places you’ve been to
people you’ve met
experiences you’ve had

i’d tell you about
how at every joyous moment
i’ve had
i asked myself
if i’d give it all away
to get you back
and the answer was always obvious

i’d touch your soft hands
say goodbye
and hold you close
till i become a dream myself
on that beach
shrouded in the red
of the dusk

Mighty Beas